Reflecting on the power of Knowledge

Reflecting on the power of Knowledge

The powers of knowledge have been the key component of great men in history, and will continue to be the main factor in successes until the end of time.

The concept of a knowledge economy is based on evidence driven economy, whereby all the components are of known quantities, and by working with real quantities must therefore contribute to the desired outcomes.

Knowledge is a vital component of formation of any community and every community is formed around some shared concepts. The first question then must be, as a community, what are our shared concepts? Once we find the answer to this question, and set our minds toward contributing to this shared concept, I am confident that our community will move rapidly towards its ultimate development goals.

Knowledge for our Community here in the UK is fundamental to development, in just the same way that Britain and other developed nation’s people pay homage to the knowledge that contributes to their history. There are also continuous efforts in the preservation of their heritage and ancestries.

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